Round 2: Photo Competition Results
Second Place: Donna Collier

Judge's Comment:
The juxtaposition of the two images reflects the student’s understanding of the commonalities between cultures and a desire for further learning about her own traditions.
I have chosen the above photo to enter into the competition.
My trip away to Canada in January 2016 was life changing. I found a passion for who I am, and for my culture. I want to learn more about my family language and share that within my teaching.
The photo of John was taken on Saanich Reservation. His passion for his culture was amazing, he shared personal stories about his life, the challenges of growing up and he shared his love about his home land.
For me when I came home and looked at this photo, it actually reminded me of my family, and were I came from.
That's why I have included a photo of my Nana Joan Cooper OAM.
She was so passionate about her beloved Blue Mountains and the connection to John and my nan were uncanny.
Million miles away from my home and family but I still felt like I was so connected to them through the stories of John.
I am passionate about learning more about where I come from and especially learning about my language.