Having completed his PhD in 2013 Tim is an early career researcher and Academic Course Advisor within the School of Business at UWS. His research interest in outbound mobility experiences have seen Tim participate in outbound mobility programs at UWS since 2010, with responsibility for itinerary development and as a tour leader. Tim has received government funding to subsidies outbound mobility programs on three occasions; 2011 - $25,500 from DEWWR Study Overseas short-term mobility program; 2013 - $43,000 AsiaBound Grants Program and 2015 -$33,000 New Colombo Plan. Tim has also played an advisory role in assisting successful outbound mobility funding applications for Operations and Supply Chain Management programs at UWS.
Tim’s interest in outbound mobility extends to his involvement and leadership in curriculum design within Hospitality Management and Sport Management programs in which Tim has successful designed and implemented assessment and learning outcomes specific to outbound mobility. Tim has combined his other research interest of Experience Economy theory to inform his involvement with the outbound mobility by focusing on the staging of outbound mobility programs to develop positive transformational outbound mobility experiences.

Dr Tim Hall

Dr Tonia Gray
Tonia is an Associate Professor in the Centre for Educational Research (CER) and a Specialist in Pedagogy and Learning at UWS. In her role as Senior Researcher in CER, Tonia is the Sustainability theme leader. Her research interests in experiential learning and risk management closely align to this project. In 2009 Tonia received an ALTC Citation for scholarly activity in outdoor education and building an internationally recognized program. With a wealth of experience in teacher training, curriculum design, implementation and evaluation spanning over 24 years, in 2010-2012 she was awarded an ALTC grant for curriculum design and research specifically to introduce reflective and experience-based learning to international education within tertiary settings. In collaboration with Greg Downey and Jan Gothard (ALTC Grant) she co-produced the ‘Bringing the Learning Home’ curriculum, an open access model curriculum for better integrating study abroad experience into enhanced curriculum at students’ home universities. Her long-term involvement with international exchange students as the Resident Director for the Council of Educational Exchange (CIEE) from 2000-2014 has galvanized her links with intercultural education. As a consultant for the NSW Board of Studies and more recently with ACARA, has afforded Tonia a depth and breadth of contemporary expertise in the National Curriculum renewal process. She is currently on the International Review Board for the Journal of Experiential Education and The Australian Journal of Outdoor Education. Tonia has supervised over 20 HDR students; attracted major teaching awards and research grants.

Dr Greg Downey
Greg Downey is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Anthropology at Macquarie University. As an anthropologist, Greg has extensive fieldwork experience in Central and South America and in the Pacific, and he has taught the Department of Anthropology’s core curriculum on human rights and economic anthropology since he came to Australia in 2006. While teaching at the University of Notre Dame (USA) prior to that, Greg developed ‘Cultural Difference and Social Change,’ an award-winning, full-credit re-entry course for students returning from international service learning projects, study abroad, and internships in the developing world.
In collaboration with Jan Gothard and Tonia Gray, and with support from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (Grant CG10-1549), he co-produced the ‘Bringing the Learning Home’ curriculum, an open access model curriculum for better integrating study abroad experience into enhanced curriculum at students’ home universities. In 2012, Greg created Macquarie University’s first MOOC (Massive Online Open Classroom), the Open2Study short course, ‘Becoming Human: Anthropology’; and, in 2013, he won the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching at Macquarie. Greg is currently developing an anthropological ‘fieldschool’ in Fiji with the University of the South Pacific, as part of Macquarie University’s PACE (Professional and Community Engagement) program. He is a dedicated proponent of open educational resources and community-based and service learning, and has published on these subjects both in academic forums and the weblog, PLOS Neuroanthropology.

Dr Anne Power
Anne is an Associate Professor and Secondary Specialist in Music Education, Service Learning, Curriculum Change and Pedagogy. Anne has been the Global Education Project Course Co-ordinator at UWS since 2008. As a member of the Centre for Educational Research, her publications are aligned with the Centre’s focus on Equity and Globalisation. Her research interests in cultural diversity and in international professional experience closely align with this project. In 2010, Anne was one of three named academics in UWS who won the Australian Learning and Teaching Council Program Award: Programs that enhance student learning. This was given for a submission called Beyond Institutional Walls: Community Engagement in Secondary Teacher Education (2010, Power, Gannon & Naidoo). Anne has strong links with professional teacher associations, chairing its Professional Learning Committee, making decisions on the quality of offerings for teachers, related to Professional Standards and Board of Studies and ACARA curriculum documents. She has worked on national projects about schooling success and boys’ motivation and engagement. Her work with arts based service learning with Australian First Peoples and disadvantaged students converges with themes of creativity. Anne is editor in chief of Issues in Education Research and of Musicworks, journal of Australian National Council of Orff Schulwerk. She is on the editorial boards of Australian Journal of Music Education and International Journal of Music (Practice).

Dr Peter Bailey
Dip. Phys. Ed, Grad. Dip Ed (Health), B Ed, M Ed, EdD

Dr Son Truong
Son is a Lecturer in Health and Physical Education in the School of Education and an early career researcher in the Centre for Educational Research at Western Sydney University. He has extensive experience working with young people in diverse educational settings in majority and minority world contexts. He has managed and provided curriculum consultation on projects focusing on child health and wellbeing, as well as service-learning, with past affiliations including the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and Katimavik, Canada’s leading community service-learning program.
Over the past 10 years Son has led university student service-learning and pre-service teacher placements in Cambodia, China, Taiwan, and Thailand. From 2005 – 2012 he served in various leadership capacities, including in-country project leader, manager, and curriculum advisor with Play Around the World, a three-month cross-cultural service-learning course at the University of Alberta (Canada). His contributions to this practicum were recognised in 2009 as a recipient of the Student Leadership in Internationalization Award from the Canadian Bureau for International Education. Son is currently the Co-Coordinator for the Overseas Professional Experience Program (OPEP) in the School of Education and has recently been successful as Project Leader in gaining a 2016 New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant. His cross-disciplinary research interests converge around issues of children’s wellbeing and environments, as well global education and transformative learning.

Dr Colin Sheringham
Colin is the Academic Course Advisor, Postgraduate Interdisciplinary in the School of Business at UWS. His research interest is in the experience economy as described by Pine & Gilmore, exploring the use of service design principles in developing engaging and transformational consumer experiences. In an educational context this includes incorporating experiential learning into the student experience. With over 25 years teaching experience Colin has taught in the area of Hospitality, Gastronomy and Tourism from VET sector labour market programs for the long term unemployed to supervision of PhD’s. He has extensive curriculum development experience ranging from the HSC Hospitality program to UG & PG courses. Here Colin has been a strong advocate of experiential learning and the internationalisation of the student experience. For over 20 years Colin has been actively involved in the designing, planning, staffing and conducting of short-term outbound student international mobility programs as part of the UG Hospitality management program. These international short-term study tours have been conducted in Singapore, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, Thailand, China and Vietnam. Similar immersive educational tours have conducted in and around Sydney.
In his teaching he is currently using the concept of a “microadventure” to engage students with the theories of Pine and Gilmore to design, plan, undertake and evaluate their own transformational leisure experience. This incorporation of the value of leisure into the student experience was also witnessed with Colin’s involvement as the academic representative on the Blacktown campus student accommodation committee. A focus of the committee was with enriching the experience of on campus living for students.

Dr Benjamin Jones
Dr Benjamin T. Jones has taught history and education theory at a number of Australian universities. His areas of expertise include the history of Western thought, Australian social and political history, concepts of citizenship and pedagogical theory. His recent books include Republicanism and Responsible Government (MQUP, 2014) and Project Republic (Black Inc, 2013). Dr Jones has been published in several academic journals and is a regular contributor to The Conversation. He is currently a Research Adjunct at the University of Western Sydney.
Peter is the Project Manager of the EPITOME Project at the University of Western Sydney. He was the Principal of Illawarra Sports High School with the Department of Education and Communities. During this time he lead educational change and managed the educational outcomes of the comprehensive and
sporting students with an emphasis on achieving your personal best. Peter initiated the establishment of iPie (Illawarra Partners in Education) and with a motivated team they combined the resources of three High Schools. This resulted in increased cooperative staff professional development and widened the
curriculum opportunities for the students.Peter’s Doctoral study at the University of Wollongong investigated the impact of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award on a cohort of students. Peter was a NSW State Committee member of the DofE Program for a number of years as the representative of the Department of Education and Communities. His interest in Outdoor Education as a medium for individual change has promoted the interest in Outbound Mobility to improve students learning opportunities. His own family have been involved in outbound mobility, with his
daughter studying at Boulder University in Colorado and his son studying with the Bell Corporation in Fort Worth, Texas.Peter is very supportive of the need to explore learning outside the individuals comfort zone whilst providing a mentoring framework during this learning.