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Photo Competition Results

Equal Tenth Place: Simmy Frappier

Judges’ comments:


“This is a gorgeous image and the geuine affection and friendship is clear to see. This photo and the text really highlight the transformative power of an OME.”




Salina has mild brain damage. Simple to see but so wrongly misunderstood! Intellectually Salina is extremely challenged, though working with her throughout this week, she has one of the most beautiful, protective and enlightening souls I have come across. She is not interested in painting, learning or working but instinctively she knows the reality of her impairment and wants to blossom and spread her love and joy! Salina is infectious with happiness, charisma and her gorgeous charming smile! After building confidence and trust with me, Salina wanted to express her love and passion for music, singing and dancing which was so admirable to listen, join and watch.  If anyone ever goes to New Delhi, India, you should definitely make a pit stop to the school of Muskaan, to not only enlighten your soul and take a step back from our materialistic society but also to see how happiness is expressed through a genuine lens of love and soul.

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