Photo Competition Results
Equal Fifth Place: Sandy Huynh

Judges’ comments:
“Image evocative of serenity and lifestyle.
Highly reflective approach linked to reflections in image reinforcing reflective practice.”
For me, the most meaningful photo taken during the New Colombo Plan trip at Tra Su Forest in An Giang Province of Vietnam. As I was floating on this majestic river, I noticed an unexpected peace. I have been battling anxiety for nine years and through this journey I have been able to understand myself in ways I never would have expected. I have worked hard to develop strategies to help me manage the anxiety most effectively. I am also of Vietnamese descent, so when I look at this picture it slows my thoughts and leads to gratitude. As a result I am able to better appreciate my family and the history, nature, people and culture that I am inherently part of.
During the trip to Vietnam, I had the pleasure of making new, strong relationships with a few students who share my passion for helping people and other commonalities. However, I also faced a few obstacles with a few other students due to personality clashes. Being in a foreign country, out of my comfort zone, managing anxiety and being placed with a new group of students provided a challenging opportunity to handle difficult situations using the strategies I’ve been developing over the last nine years. This picture reminds me that I have a project to continue so maintaining professionalism with the group is important. But most importantly, it reminds me to reflect back on my actions and how much my character has grown and continues to grow. What I can take back is that I must remind myself to keep learning and to continue to overcome challenges that arise. My journey has only begun as I move towards graduating a Bachelor of Social Work degree at the end of this year